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Advancing skill and scholarship since 1969

The Denver Institute for Psychoanalysis

Psychoanalytic education has been offered in Denver since 1956. Until 1969 the Denver Training Center operated under the auspices of the Institute for Psychoanalysis in Chicago. The Denver Institute for Psychoanalysis was granted provisional status by the American Psychoanalytic Association in 1969 and was recognized as an Approved Institute in 1972. It is affiliated with the Department of Psychiatry of the University of Colorado Denver, School of Medicine.

Our Mission 

The Denver Institute for Psychoanalysis is organized for the purpose of providing psychoanalytic education for qualified applicants, to advance scholarship and research in the science of psychoanalysis, and to encourage application of psychoanalytic knowledge to relevant fields of study and practice.

Psychoanalytic thinking began with Freud's theorizing. Since these beginnings, the field has been informed and expanded by challenges from work in developmental psychology, neuropsychology, and psychopharmacology. Psychoanalysis is now in an era of richly debated theoretical ideas about the origins of adaptive and maladaptive human functioning. Psychoanalytic understanding of development and the theory of psychopathology provide a basis for making informed choices about treatment goals and techniques. In the face of modern-day pressures for quick and cost-efficient methods for ameliorating emotional suffering, the psychoanalytically educated clinician is well equipped to make effective clinical interventions.

At the Denver Institute for Psychoanalysis, qualified professionals may pursue full training in adult psychoanalysis, child & adolescent psychoanalysis, or both. Alternatively, two-year training programs in adult as well as child & adolescent psychodynamic psychotherapy are available.

The Psychoanalytic Referral Service provides evaluation, treatment, or referral to prospective patients (adults, children, and adolescents) who cannot afford private fees. The Psychoanalytic Referral Service is one source of analytic cases for candidates under supervision.

For psychiatric residents and child fellows, The Denver Institute for Psychoanalysis offers an elective psychoanalytic mentorship program. Similar programs are being developed for graduate students in other disciplines.

The Denver Institute for Psychoanalysis has a variety of education, consultative, and evaluative services for faculty members and students -- at times of life stress, disruption and impairment. These include informal support, the Ombuds system and the Psychoanalyst Assistance Committee.

Ethical Standards

All members of the faculty agree to observe and adhere to the principles of ethics as set forth by the American Psychoanalytic Association and the Denver Institute for Psychoanalysis. Similarly, upon enrolling in training programs offered by and/or sponsored by the Denver Institute for Psychoanalysis, all students are required to observe and adhere to these ethical principles. In addition, it is expected that faculty and students will follow the ethical guidelines set forth by the discipline to which each is professionally identified and maintains membership, e.g.: psychology, psychiatry, social work, psychiatric nursing, etc.

Notice of Nondiscrimination

The Denver Institute for Psychoanalysis prohibits discrimination and harassment in any of its activities, including admissions, on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, national or ethnic origin, ancestry, disability, military or marital status, sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity and expression), age, or any other characteristic protected under applicable federal or state law.

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